Wednesday, April 23

Joy in Life~

What is joy?  The dictionary says: "a source or cause of great happiness" - it is derived from the Latin 'gaudia', from 'gaudere': to rejoice.

'To rejoice'.  Hey, it's Easter!   Of course we're rejoicing!  These past couple days have numbered among the most beautiful in my life so far.  Easter Vigil.  It was so profoundly beautiful and joyful.

Ah, this is all easy so far.  But what about maintaining joy on a daily basis?  To be satisfied with cheerful acceptance everything God sends us?  Yep, that's hard.  We all know it, we've all experienced bouts of unwillingness and even depression.  Basically, true joy is a virtue that we all seek to attain.

How can we find this internal joy that will affect every part of our lives?  Well, look who had it:

~John Paul II

~Mother Teresa

~Chiara Badano: on her death bed.

~Pier Giorgio Frassati: in the middle

These saints were men and women who drew their strength from Christ.  Pope John Paul II said, "People are made for happiness.  Rightly, then, you thirst for happiness.  Christ has the answer to this desire of yours.  But he asks you to trust him.  True joy is a victory, something which cannot be obtained without a long and difficult struggle.  Christ holds the secret of this victory."
                        (Hehe, don't you just love it when you're looking for the answer to something and the saints just give it to you, wrapped up and complete with a ribbon?)

Why is joy so important?  We have to think back to our resolution: living life to the fullest.  Can we manage such a thing when our hearts are weary and downcast?  Heh, good luck with that.  

"Joy is the echo of God's life in us."  ~Abbot Coumba Marmion.  Therefore, we find joy in our relationship with Christ. 

So now we see that this joy is one of the most essential elements to passionately living the lives that God gave us.  With it we will be able to lovingly and cheerfully encounter each day.  Let us make the choice to let God change our lives for Him.


I'd love to hear your thoughts on this subject.  :)  How was your beginning of Easter?  Did you attend the Vigil mass?  God bless!


"Heaven, the treasury of everlasting joy."  ~Shakespeare

Tuesday, April 15

[Life Through Death] Inspiration~

O Saviour of the world, O Love of souls, O Lord most lovely of all beings!  Thou by Thy passion didst come to win to Thyself our hearts, by showing us the immense love that Thou didst bear us in accomplishing a redemption which has brought to us a sea of benedictions, and which has cost Thee a sea of pains and ignominies.

O my Jesus!  I pray Thee make me always remember Thy passion; and grant that I also, a miserable sinner, overcome at last by so many loving devices, may return to love Thee, and to show Thee, by my poor love, some mark of gratitude for the excessive love which Thou, my God and Saviour, hast borne to me.

And thou, O most holy Virgin Mary, who didst take so great a part in the passion of thy Son, obtain for me, I beseech thee, through the merits of thy sorrows, the grace to experience a taste of that compassion which thou didst so sensibly feel at the death of Jesus, and obtain for me also a spark of that love which wrought all the martyrdom of thy afflicted heart.


~Saint Alphonsus Liguori

Friday, April 11

Life through Death~

Stabat mater dolorosa                                  At the cross her station keeping
iuxta Crucem lacrimosa                            stood the mournful mother weeping
 dum pendebat Filius                                               close to Jesus to the last

One of my favorite things about Lent are the Stations of the Cross, performed each Friday at the church.  They are a beautiful tradition which dates back to the fifth century.  Each station is a step of self-sacrifice and greatest love.  

This.  It is the most beautiful Way of the Cross ever.  St. Alphonsus Liguori writes from his heart in a way that cannot help but move you.  {all words in italics are from this book}

Cuius animam gementem                        Through her heart His sorrow sharing
contristatem et dolentem                                     all His bitter anguish bearing
pertransivit gladius                                   now at length the sword has passed

“We adore you, O Christ, and we praise You.” “Because by Your holy cross You have redeemed the world.”
The church is hushed. 
 “My most beloved Jesus, I embrace all the sufferings You have destined for me until death.” 
 There are creaks and deep, concentrated breathing as knees genuflect, stand, kneel.
“With all my heart I repent of ever having offended You.”
 The candles of the servers flicker as the spoken words of the meditation rise and fall. 

“Grant that in all my temptations I may always have recourse to You.”
The responses break forth from the people, strong and full.  (you try not to laugh as your little sister solemnly and seriously pronounces 'wounds' as 'wow-nds')
“I beg You by all You suffered in carrying Your cross, to help me carry mine with Your perfect peace and resignation.” 
Hearts are lifted wholly to God, rising as if on incense. 

Quis est homo qui non fleret                     Is there one who would not weep
matren Christi si videret                              whelmed in miseries so deep
   in tanto supplicio                                   Christ's dear mother to behold

 The ‘Stabat Mater’ swells in a heart-aching, lovely melody. 
“Jesus and Mary gazed at each other and their looks became as so many arrows to wound those hearts which loved each other so tenderly.”
Oh, the sorrow in these words!
“The cruelty of His executioners was excessive; they tried to hasten His steps though He barely had strength to move.” 

Pro peccatis suae gentis                                 Bruised, derided, cursed, defiled
vidit Iesum in tormentis                                        she beheld her tender child
et flagellis subditum                                       all with bloody scourges rent

Jesus, You went through so much for me – and yet I am still stubborn and blind to Your love!
“My despised Jesus, nail my heart to the cross, that it may always remain there to love You and never leave You again.”
Mother Mary, although it is burdened with many defects, I entrust my heart to your Son through you.
“Have pity for your Savior, so cruelly treated!”

Holy week begins soon.  We must start to prepare our hearts.

{images via Pinterest.  -My sister and I used to argue that "Ben Hur Gives Jesus a Drink of Water" should have been included as a station... :P}

Sunday, April 6

As Each Day Dawns~

So here hath been dawning
Another blue day;
Think, wilt thou let it
Slip useless away?
                         ~Thomas Carlyle

Day dawns. 

Our lives are measured by time.  It ticks by tirelessly until the end.  And then?  Where has life gone?

We have only one life to live, which God gave to us.  We have the choice to either squander it recklessly or live it to the fullest!  Which wilt thou choose?  

Death.  It's a reality.  And one of the freakiest facts about it is that we never know when it will sneak up on us.  So, basically, the whole point is - we have to be ready when death comes.  That is when we will be asked how we have lived the life that God bestowed upon us.  

Okay, let's move away from the morbid stuff.  ;)  I have chosen to make the following resolution:  to try and live my life, following God's will, seeking truth, striving toward holiness, not wasting a single precious minute.  It sounds hard, but the key to everything is being aware of the present moment.

~ This blog will be a journal of my aspirations and musings.  Most of it will be simple.  Reading the writings of the saints. Learning to be more industrious around the house.  Appreciating the beauty around me.  Playing with a sibling.  Writing a heartfelt letter to a dear friend instead of just shooting an email.  Taking more time to pray.  The list goes on, but especially: doing everything with love and joy.  Truly living.  

Will you join me?  Just think of being able to say at the end of life, like Sydney Carton:  It is a far, far better thing that I do than I have ever done” ("Tale of Two Cities").  

God bless!  

This is why I was born and why I have come into the world – to bear witness to the truth.” 
~John 18:37